image of hedgesville high school students singing from new music books

Friends of Music has given Hedgesville High School a $400 grant to help update the sheet music in the school's music library. 

"We've had a limited library of mostly outdated music and have been seeking to build our resources with quality music both contemporary and traditional," said music teacher Brooke Evers. She said the Friends' grant has allowed the school to purchase new sheet music that "engages our students while also challenging them to grow. This not only benefits our ensembles and the life of our choral program, but also benefits our students as individuals and the community members who hear them sing."

The donation is part of a Friends grant program to support music education in Berkeley and Jefferson County schools. The grants typically involve instruments and music supplies not covered by regular school budgets. The grants are awarded annually based on applications submitted by music teachers.

The Friends of Music organization is a Shepherdstown-based, non-profit group founded in 1999 to support and promote musical excellence. It supports the Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra, the only professional classical music orchestra in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, and one of only three such orchestras in the state. Full information about the Friends is available at