Pikeside Learning Center's Welcome Toolkit

Letter From The Principal

Dear Pikeside Families,

I hope this message finds you well and looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year. My name is Bryan Frye, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new principal of Pikeside Learning Center. As we embark on this exciting journey together, I wanted to take a moment to reach out and share my enthusiasm for the coming school year.

I firmly believe that a strong partnership between the school and families is crucial for our students' success and overall well-being. Together, we can create an environment that fosters learning, growth, and character development. I encourage you to stay involved with our school throughout the year. Attend school events, parent-teacher conferences, and stay updated on school news through our website, newsletters, and Seesaw Classroom App. Your commitment makes a difference, and we value your support and input.

Our dedicated team of teachers and staff strive for educational excellence and to ensure that every student is provided with the best opportunities to reach their full potential. I am eager to witness the achievements and milestones of each student, and I am excited to celebrate their successes alongside you, their proud families.

Let us work together as partners in education, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and support that enables our students to become well-rounded individuals ready to take the next steps in their educational career.

Thank you for your warm welcome, and I am looking forward to an inspiring and successful school year at Pikeside Learning Center. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at bffrye@k12.wv.us or through the school's main office at 304-267-3555

Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead!

Warm regards,

Bryan Frye

Principal, Pikeside Learning Center

Vision & Mission


Pikeside Learning Center is a learning community where children feel welcomed, respected, and encouraged to develop his/her fullest potential in an inclusive Pre-K environment. We will strive to nuture each child's natural desire to learn, grow, and succeed.  


Pikeside Learning Center provides a safe and supportive learning environment responsive to each child's individual needs. Our Pre-K program promotes developmentally appropriate and child-centered experiences that advance social/emotional, physical, and intellectual exploration and growth. 

Mascot: Panther

Color: Purple

Welcome Toolkit