Katherine Birch Nevaeh Ramirez
Samantha Birch Kinlee Roberts
Teyuanna Blair Peyton Snyder
Railianna Harrison Yalianny Wallace
Kamber Kackley Megan Welcher
Kyndall Parish

Join us for Cheer Dance Camp!

Dance Routine led by former Baltimore Raven Cheerleader, Amanda.
Stunts, motions and jumps led by Coach Amber and the MSMS Cheerleaders.
Saturday, February 10th from 10am - 2pm in the MSMS Cafeteria.
Open to all 2nd - 8th grade participants

Any questions: Contact Coach Amber - (401) 572-8920

My School Bucks QR Code

Scan the QR Code for Payment.

Option 1
$50 per camper pre-register
$60 at door
Price includes Pom Poms

Option 2
$75 per camper pre-register
$85 at door
*Price includes Pom Poms and hair bow

Both include half-time performance