8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
ATTENTION RISING 9TH-12TH GRADERS! Sign Up for the Neuro and Data Science Camp at the Shepherd University. Click Here to learn more:
https://www.smore.com/n/r0tsu8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
The School Excess Levy provides support to our local community partners, including Parks & Rec, health department, library, and 4-H extension office. Today is the LAST DAY to register to vote, and Election Day is Tuesday, May 14. MORE:
https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/levy8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
DON'T FORGET: Credit Recovery Summer School registration is now open. Learn more about the program and sign up here:
https://www.smore.com/n/2t6mv8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
DON'T FORGET: Please help us recognize the hard work of our school counselors by nominating one for School Counselor of the Year! Application closes April 25. MORE:
https://www.smore.com/n/ye3918 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
The School Excess Levy contributes to 15 percent of the BCS operating budget, providing salary supplements and benefits to all employees. Early voting is open from May 1 - May 11, and Election Day is Tuesday, May 14. MORE:
https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/levy8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
Spring Mills Middle hopes you have an enjoyable Spring Break and we look forward to seeing everyone back on April 8th. Please see our weekly updates here:
https://www.smore.com/n/6dtsh8 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
Catch up on the latest news and reminders before you head out for Spring Break! Enjoy your time off, rest up, and most importantly, have fun! READ MORE:
https://www.smore.com/n/3m8u09 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please take a few minutes and complete our annual School Climate Survey for Spring Mills Middle School. The link to the survey is available in the following newsletter.
9 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
9 months ago, Spring Mills Middle
Be on the lookout for school climate surveys beginning Monday, March 25! Each school will send out unique links for their parent, student, and staff climate surveys.
Surveys are due by April 12! If you have any questions, please contact your school.
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Report cards for students in Grades 3-12 will be issued Tuesday, March 19. Current grades are posted on Schoology. We appreciate your patience!
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools