Become a Volunteer

Register with SecureVolunteer

Berkeley County Schools uses SecureVolunteer to process background checks for volunteers. SecureVolunteer is a completely web-based/paperless system. You will receive e-mails from when you submit your information to SecureVolunteer and when your background check is complete. Thank you for volunteering for Berkeley County Schools.

The background processing fee for the Secure Volunteer Background check is $22.45.

Procedures for Volunteers & Chaperones

School district procedure requires that individuals serving as chaperones for all overnight field trips and some daytime activities must have Level 1 approval, which requires a criminal background screening. To apply for Level 1 approval, volunteers must first apply online via Berkeley County Schools’ volunteer registration system (Secure Volunteer).

Registrations are processed in 3-5 days, sometimes longer at the beginning of the school year and then must be submitted to the Berkeley County Board of Education for approval. Once approved, the volunteer’s name will appear on the Level 1 Approved Volunteer list at the school(s) for which they registered.

Requirements & Responsibilities of Volunteers

We need volunteers just like you!

We require our volunteers to be background screened. Start your screening today!